Hi everyone again,
To make a point on this subject, and try to resume all that was said:
1º If i need a real VoIP system were billing is made by second (as it is in all the mobile providers) i need to have full control of the media - then it's necessary to implement mediaproxy (or other media relay) to accomplish accurate billing and get all the call information;
2º If the system doesn't need to have the accurate billing system, and doesn't matter if the call duration is 1 minute or 1,5 minute - for example a service that is paid monthly independently of the calls made by the user - i don't need to use mediaproxy in all calls, only in the NATed ones;
I think that's what i can resume of all that was said. My problem now is to dimensioning this system to accomplish something like having 100 calls simultaneously (lets say all with mediaproxy - the "worst" case). Mark Sayer said that is system is based on Asterisk and he can accomplish 200 calls simultaneously. Can anyone give more ideas in this matter?
Thanks and regards
2008/10/30 Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt@1und1.de
On Thursday 30 October 2008, Nuno Marques wrote:
Ok... Maybe you're right. I've read somewhere that this service is needed for taping reasons (policy and other law enforcements). If it's needed
can just turn it on for that specific number, right?
Hi Nuno,
at least in some countries you must prevent the caller from noticing the surveilance. So if you transfer only some media of certain users this may lead to problems in this regards.