Hi, thank you very much. I know what the problem is now. Because I use a openser-1.2.1-notls. So the "log_fmt" is obsolete.
In the http://www.openser.org/docs/modules/1.2.x/acc.htm it wrote that:
The accouting module will log by default a fixed set of attributes for the transaction - if you customize you accouting by adding more information to be logged, please see the next chapter about extra accouting - Section 1.2. The fixed minimal accouting information is: Request Method name
From header TAG parameter
To header TAG parameter Call-Id 3-digit Status code from final reply Reason phrase from final reply Time stamp when transaction was completed If a value is not present in request, the empty string is accounted instead.
I want have a User-Name in the accounting information.
So I saw in the Section 1.2
Selection of extra information is done via xxx_extra parameters by specifying the names of additional information you want to log. This information is defined via pseudo-variables and may include headers or AVPs values or other message or system values. The syntax of the parameter is:
xxx_extra = extra_definition (';'extra_definition)*
extra_definition = log_name '=' pseudo_variable
And the pseudo_variable I need is '$au' for User-Name. But I don't understand how to use this paramater in the openser.cfg. Do you have some ideas??