That would be a very wrong thing to do, since calee will have no way to
tell if no-ACK situation has been caused by the loss of 200 OK in
transit, in which case it has to re-transmit 200 OK, or by the b0rken
UAC, that don't send ACK after receiving 200 OK. Therefore, such "fixup"
will undermine non-broken UAs in the presence of packets loss, which is
unavoidable in the case when UDP is used.
The only way to address this problem is to seek resolution from the
phone vendor.
Jamie Yukes wrote:
I have a user agent that does not ACK after 200 OK.
Is it possible to configure SER to generate an ACK and reply to 200 OK?
broken UA ---- INVITE ---> ser
<---- 100 ------- ser ---- INVITE ---> gateway
183 183
ser <--- 200 OK---- gateway
broken UA <---- 200 ----- ser
<------ 2 way RTP ----------->
Call is mostly established, but broken UA does not ACK the 200 OK.
Can we generate the following packet?
ser --- ACK ---> gateway
This would allow the broken UA to interop.
Can SER generate this ACK?
Jamie Yukes
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