This is for explicit call forwarding. I'm testing call forwarding from linksys pap2 call forward features which generates "302 moved temporarily" message.
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 6:20 PM, kokoska rokoska wrote:
Ruchir napsal(a):
I'm using uac_redirect module to handle redirect and accounting from openser. Redirect works fine so as cdr but I'm not getting how to write redirect reason in cdr. I didn't find any way to find and store redirect reason(call forward, busy, no answer) in CDR. Does anyone know how to do
I'm using something like this (shortened):
in config:
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_info", "src_leg=$avp(i:901);dst_leg=$avp(i:902)")
in routing script:
$avp(s:acc_state) = "cfu"; avp_printf("$avp(i:901)", "$avp(s:caller_uuid)|$avp(s:acc_state)");
Works very well :-)
Hope this helps, best regards,
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