On 03/05/07 19:25, Henri Keski-Sikkilä wrote:
When user exit room only admin gets message "The user [user] has left the room" others doesn't know anything that user has left room...
Could you test with the latest CVS version? If you get the same, please capture the sip traffic on openser box and send it to me for this case ngrep -d any -qt port 5060
Cheers, Daniel
It works now, as you said.
great. I will close the issue on the tracker
I have worked with sip and used openser 1.5 year now. I think openser is one of the best open source project that I know. It's high quality programming project. If there are some c programming/testing tasks I could do, it would be nice :) You could send me e-mail, if I could help the openser project in any way.
Coding and testing are very important for open source projects. If you feel like needing an extension, or improving existing ones, you are more than welcome. Also, if you think that a adjacent tool will make life easier, you can start develop it and make it available (e.g., scripts to get CDRs out of acc table ...). At this moment I'm busy with the new release, but afterwards, maybe would will publish a pool of "nice-to-have" stuff, and users can come and pick up one to implement.
Cheers, Daniel
Thanks Henri