serusers-bounces(a) wrote:
Hey All,
This is a long email, so please bare with me...
Up until now we have used our primary SER serve as both registrar and
call routing engine. However, we've recently hit a growth point
where the registration load on our servers is high enough that it's
affecting our call routing.
We currently have about 4,000 IAD's all registering every 5 minutes.
why every 5 minutes?
If you set it to highr figure, that will automatically reduce registration
load !
So - my question is .. How do I take load off of the
primary server??
Would implementing radius for authentication fix this problem? I am
very familiar with radius (using Freeradius) and could easily set
this up, but I would prefer not to go to the trouble if it's not
going to help with the load.
Has anyone else had an issue with client authentication via MySQL and
auth_db causing a high load with SER?
is your MYSQL on same host as SER?