On Thursday 13 November 2008, Matteo Piazza wrote:
I'm using openser 1.3.3. And I found an issue between asterisk and openser.
When an asterisk register himself to openser this is my opeserctl ul show: Contact:: sip:s@ Q= [..] Methods:: 4294967295
In to the postgres database into location table I have
2;"50001";"ttnnet.it";"sip:s@";"";"";"2008-11-13 10:56:24";-1;"76e873601b776e8a430237091a76a483@";108;"2008-11- 13 10:54:24";0;0;"Asterisk PBX 1.4 Test";"udp:";
As you can see the methods field into the database is null!
This causes an issue when you restart openser, the asterisk pbx is unreachable until the next registration because the lookup function doesn't match the methods field.
The number 4294967295 is the max int (without sign), maybe there is a issue in the function that calculate this value and post the query.
Hi Matteo,
the value of 4294967295 is the default, when no allow header is set. This is represented in the DB as NULL. So this is probably not the source of your problem. What db_mode do you use? Normally openser should reload the contacts during startup.