You can do this several ways. I use to just completely replace the From header but this screwed up call accounting (for callers with caller ID blocking enabled) which we do in our Cisco gateways. Now I append an Remote-Party-ID header leaving the Fromheader intact for accounting purposes. Try one of the following:
1) replace("^From:(.*)>" , "From: "Anonymous" sip:anonymous@invalid.nowhere");
Where the second string contains whatever you want the caller ID info to be. This example is for caller ID blocking.
if (append_rpid_hf("Anonymous sip:",";party=calling;id-type=subscriber;screen=yes")) { } else { log(1, "RPID not found\n"); };
Of course this requires other configuration items. You may also want to add the following:
modparam("auth", "rpid_prefix", "<sip:") modparam("auth", "rpid_suffix", ";user=phone>;party=calling;screen=no;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off") #
lawrence k.y. lin wrote:
Hi all,
Appreciate if someone can give me a suggestion or even an answer. Since the call from SIP device to PSTN phone did not have Caller ID and our Telco carriers request for the Caller ID, we have to set a number before the calls are routed to PSTN gateway. I did it in Asterisk before with the function calls SetCallerID(CLID) or Set(CALLERID(number)=CLID) (depends on the Asterisk version) and these function calls worked. But because of the scalabliity issue, I changed to SER and would like to do the similar thing as in Asterisk. I read the SER document and awared SIP_HF_FROM has the data for the entired FROM field. Is there any other variables for Caller ID only ? I searched the mailing list for SER and did not find any related topic (only found one with title: caller-id with raius using sip-rpid, but it is irrelevant).
Thanks in advance.
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