Hi all, I'm using kamailio 1.4.4. In kamailio.cfg I have call forward on busy and call forward no answer that works good when I redirect the call to a local user. If I redirect the call to a PSTN number using lcr module I receive the error:
ERROR:lcr:next_gw: No ruri_user AVP
If I call directly the PSTN number all is OK and I see in the debug:
DBG:lcr:next_gw: Added ruri_user_avp <0255XXXXXX>
Where I need to set the ruri_user_avp? I just have modparam("lcr", "ruri_user_avp", "$avp(i:500)") in the script. With a very similar configuration and openser 1.2.3 the problem doesn't occur.
Thanks. Regards.