Siddhardha Garige wrote:
Here is my understanding. At build time bison and flex work on config file and generates This file is equivalent to c version of config file.
That is not correct. Bison and flex do not work on the config file. They are meta-tools.
Bison and flex take an input in the form of a BNF grammar specification and assist in the automatic generation of a C-language parser for that grammar. In other words, they are tools that automate a portion of the coding that would otherwise be necessary to make the program understand the syntax and grammar (the "config file language") of the config. The programmatic parser that is generated by flex and bison is then used by the program to read, understand, and execute the instructions of your config file, which is loaded when the program starts.
Thus, the only need to change source code in relation to the config would be if you wanted to add additional syntactical/lexical features to the configuration process. Otherwise, they have nothing to do with the config file per se.