Hello everybody,
just want to give some updates concerning two main topics. First, regarding the project name, many expressed the concern that a rename in short time will create more confusion. As we are not in front of a new major release, I think it is better to postpone this process for a while and focus on the second topic, the organization for the project.
For this one, I have to thank personally to many people from the list that wrote us, giving suggestions and helping finding solutions. As a result, we are working to create the draft of statute for organization, but we are also investigating the option to join an existing organization, dedicated to hosting of open source projects. We will keep you updated.
Meanwhile, the svn repository got couple of new features as well as refactoring of some modules. 1.4.1 will be released soon as we got a bunch of important fixes in the 1.4 branch. Most probably another release in 1.3 branch will follow.
Cheers, Daniel