2010/4/24 Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc@aliax.net:
2010/4/24 Andreas Heise aheise.lists@googlemail.com:
Hello Iñaki,
did you fixed your issue? I'll also connect an OmniPCX pbx which maintain the session after forward / transfer and would be interested in a working config example for the SR/RTPproxy part. OmniPCX SIP config is clear as it's my daily business ;-)
I will check a new configuration on monday, I will comment the result (if I forget to do it during the next week please remember me).
Ok, tested with force_rtp_proxy("r") and it doesn't work at all. But I suspect the problem also comes from the PSTN gateway which cannot handle a re-INVITE with a different address in the SDP. I won't waste more time with this subject however (neither I can do more tests as the testing machine is gone).