Hi Henning,
Oops - forgot the cc - now it's there!
Problem solved: The problem was located by someone so much smarter than me, indeed a real wiz on this (thanks, Laszlo!) - I had setflag(3) instead of setflag(4) for dialogs - that's why I didn't get any stats out on dialogs.
Regards, Anders
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Henning Westerholthenning.westerholt@1und1.de wrote:
On Mittwoch, 9. September 2009, Anders wrote:
Thanks for the VERY quick answer!
Hi Anders,
np. :) Please always CC to the user list.
server:/# kamctl fifo get_statistics inuse_transactions database engine 'MYSQL' loaded Control engine 'FIFO' loaded entering fifo_cmd get_statistics inuse_transactions tm:inuse_transactions = 23
FIFO command was: :get_statistics:openser_receiver_1853
That looks alright, doesn't it?
It looks ok, but perhaps the additional debugging output you got confuse the subsequent commands you want to run? Can you check your kamctlrc file? There is something like this:
## verbose - debug purposes - default '0' # VERBOSE=1
Perhaps it works when you deactivate this setting?