yes, go for SVN branch 1.2 as contains all the latest fixes (even after the releases). For how to get it from SVN, see : SVN section.
please let me know if after the update the problem got solved.
regards, bogdan
Marcello Lupo wrote:
Hi Bogdan, you mean that is better to install from svn version 1.2.0 or 1.2.1? Sorry to bother you. Thanks, Bye, Marcello
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hi Marcello,
you should try the latest SVN version. The leak visible in your logs is related to pkg mem, for the eval_elem() function (used in script evaluation). There is no other trace for a leak.
This was fixed some time ago, so, just update form SVN and see if the problem persist.
regards, bogdan
Marcello Lupo wrote:
Hi Bogdan, thank you for following my issue. I installed it from source non tls. I just read the Changelog in the 1.2.1 source and found that some memory leak were fixed, but doesn't seems to me that are related to my issue. Anyway was my intention to put up the 1.2.1 version (let me know if is better from source or svn) and look at what will happen. Only before i want to make the debugging to let you be able to identify the problem. As i told in my orevious email i'm almost sure that it is related to the wrong REGISTER packet that i receive from one of my test equipments. I saw that more or less one day and halp after this requests started i got the problem. After the first time it happened again after the same amount of time. Theoretically it should happen today again. Let me know if you need any other data to debug the problem. Thanks, Bye, Marcello