Some Fritzbox devices don't accept the OPTIONS ping generated by kamailio with RURI: sip: In the location table we have: received: sip: contact: sip:user@;uniq=6633BC1386F4D4CC4EBD64DC7E967 path: sip:lb@;lr;received='sip:'
Kamailio version is 3.3.2 and the nathelper config is nothing fancy: modparam("nathelper", "natping_interval", 15) modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1) modparam("nathelper", "sipping_bflag", FLB_NATSIPPING) modparam("nathelper", "sipping_from", "sip:pinger@sipwise.local") modparam("nathelper", "received_avp", "$avp(s:received)")
What I don't understand is why kamailio sets RURI of the OPTIONS message to value of "received" instead of the contact. I suspect a bug in the parser somewhere along these lines:
rval = ul.get_all_ucontacts(buf,cblen,(ping_nated_only?ul.nat_flag:0), ((unsigned int)(unsigned long)timer_idx)*natping_interval+iteration, natping_processes*natping_interval); if (rval != 0) { pkg_free(buf); goto done; } } if (buf == NULL) goto done; cp = buf; while (1) { memcpy(&(c.len), cp, sizeof(c.len)); if (c.len == 0) break; c.s = (char*)cp + sizeof(c.len); cp = (char*)cp + sizeof(c.len) + c.len; memcpy( &send_sock, cp, sizeof(send_sock)); cp = (char*)cp + sizeof(send_sock); memcpy( &flags, cp, sizeof(flags)); cp = (char*)cp + sizeof(flags); memcpy( &(path.len), cp, sizeof(path.len)); path.s = path.len ? ((char*)cp + sizeof(path.len)) : NULL ; cp = (char*)cp + sizeof(path.len) + path.len; /* determin the destination */ if ( path.len && (flags&sipping_flag)!=0 ) { /* send to first URI in path */ if (get_path_dst_uri( &path, &opt) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); continue; } /* send to the contact/received */ if (parse_uri(opt.s, opt.len, &curi) < 0) { LM_ERR("can't parse contact dst_uri\n"); continue; } } else {