Hello Giacomo,
I installed latest rpm found on http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/kamailio:/v5.0.x-rpms/CentOS.... Build date is Nov 16.
I also installed curl version 7.52.1.
After the installation, I started to test the https connection and still get the same problem with curl error 77.
Question: do you know if the kamailio 5.0.4 rpms I downloaded from the above repo have your fix? Should I recompile locally the http_async_client?
BTW, in our kamailio config, we use both http_client and http_async_client, and both do https connections. Module http_async_client is loaded first.
When I gather logs, I can see that the wrong CA path is loaded:
INFO: http_async_client [http_multi.c:238]: debug_cb(): [cURL] Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
Maybe I could send you version of my kamailio config file (without some sensiitive data)? Do you have a private mail I could use?
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