The example is the raw command to send, but kamctl takes care to format it. You should do:
kamctl fifo profile_list_dlg callers
kamctl fifo profile_list_dlg callers _URI_
Replace the _URI_ with the value that was in $fu.
Cheers, Daniel
On 8/23/13 3:34 PM, Gertjan Wolzak wrote:
I have tried with kamctl...
But because I found the documentation not very clear, I think I am doing it wrong.
Let's take the 8.6:
Where the parameters are profile and value, whereby the value is optional.
I tried : kamctl fifo :profile_list_dlgs: _/reply_fifo_file/_inbound_calls callers
Im pretty sure that is not correct.
Been looking for the correct why on google, but can find a clear explanation.
*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Daniel-Constantin Mierla *Sent:* vrijdag 23 augustus 2013 15:06 *To:* Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List *Subject:* Re: [SR-Users] hanging active dialog...
Have you listed the profile via kamctl or kamcmd? The commands are in the readme:
Is the afferent profile listing any dialog?
Cheers, Daniel
On 8/23/13 2:50 PM, Gertjan Wolzak wrote:
Hello Carlos, I have been looking at your module, can't wait to work with it, especially the prepaid part. But as this system is in production, can't just start experimenting, want to.... But cant. So just have to wait for some tips on the cli.... But thanks. Rgds, Gertjan *From:* <> [] *On Behalf Of *Carlos Ruiz Díaz *Sent:* vrijdag 23 augustus 2013 14:37 *To:* Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List *Subject:* Re: [SR-Users] hanging active dialog... I don't know what exactly happened in your case but if you don't have time to investigate you can try cnxcc module [1] channel control to achieve the same goal. Take a look at the sample configuration file located in [2] xlog("L_INFO", "Setting up channel based credit control")/;/ $var(max_chan) *=* 2; $var(retcode) = cnxcc_set_max_channels("$var(client)", "$var(max_chan)"); if ($var(retcode) *=*= -1) { xlog("Error setting up credit control"); return; } $var(count) *=* -1; if (!cnxcc_get_channel_count("$var(client)", "$var(count)")) { xlog("Error getting customer's channel count" )/;/ } xlog("L_INFO", "CNXCC ROUTE: $var(client) has $var(count) call(s)")/;/ if ($var(retcode) < -1) { xlog("Too many channels for custome r")/;/ sl_send_reply(403, "Forbidden")/;/ if (!cnxcc_terminate_all("$var(client)")) { xlog("Error terminating customer's calls")/;/ } exit/;/ } [1] [2] Regards, Carlos On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 5:16 AM, Gertjan Wolzak < <>> wrote: Goodmorning All, I use the following route to check for concurrent calls by the same user, if a concurrent call is tried it is not allowed. route[CONCURRENT] { xlog("SCRIPT: Conccurrent call check"); if(!get_profile_size("caller","$fu","$avp(nrcalls)")) { sl_send_reply("403", "Call not matching profile"); exit; } xlog("SCRIPT: caller value for $fu is $avp(nrcalls)"); if($avp(nrcalls)>= 1) { sl_send_reply("403", "Active calls limit exceeded"); exit; } dlg_manage(); if(!set_dlg_profile("caller","$fu")) { sl_send_reply("500", "No new channels in this profile"); exit; } xlog("SCRIPT: caller value for $fu is now $avp(nrcalls)"); } Now I had a situation where a user could not call because the get_profile_size for this user gave the value 1. So another call was not allowed. But the user did not have a call active. As no dialogs were active, checked that. I assume there can be a lot of reasons why this happens, also I want to use the "I don't want to know the cause" method to solve this. So I looked at the dialog module documentation, to see if I can just clear the profile size for this specific user. I wanted to use the profile_list_dlgs(8.6) to get the dialog details, then the dlg_terminate_dlg(8.4) to, you guessed it, terminate that dialog. But it's not clear to me how I can give those commands.... Is there a way to give those commands on the cli, if so can someone please write down some examples... Would be really appreciated. Rgds, Gertjan _______________________________________________ SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list <> -- Carlos +595981146623 _______________________________________________ SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list <>
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -!/miconda -