I am successful till the addition of voip overlay. After that I have also include the line source
/usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf in /etc/make.conf. Now when I try to install openser using the command
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=!x86 emerge openser, every time I got the following reply back from the console
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "openser"
Does anybody know how I can solve this problem and install and configure OpenSER on top my OpenIMSCore
Best regards
Yeasin Habib
You can install layman, add voip overlay and install OpenSER using
standard gentoo way (emerge openser)
1) start OpenIMS image
2) Login
3) emerge --sync. On this step emerge will download information about
all packages. Maybe about 200 mb
4) emerge layman
5) edit make.conf
6) add voip overlay (layman -a voip)
7) install openser (ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge openser)
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Rob <otrebor79 at alice.ithttps://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/openimscore-users> wrote:
I've downloaded this image of OpenIMSCore for VMware
I've installed and runned it.
Now I want install on it a Presence Server so I've downloaded the
packages of the OpenSER 1.2.0 version 1.20.
Now, how can I install it onto che VMware image?
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Vladimir Romanov