On 03/16/2010 10:33 PM, Vikram Ragukumar wrote:
We're making initial modifications to rtpproxy to support high channel capacity transcoding and encryption.
At this point we want to get some general idea of the scope of changes needed for rtpproxy and Kamailio... so we're starting with small steps.
We've been studying rtpproxy source and our current thinking is to add a sub-structure to the existing rtpp_session structure (defined in rtpp_session.h). The new sub-structure would include:
-encryption options (type, key length, salt size, type of key mgt protocol, etc)
-encode / decode options (type, VAD/CNG, VIF size, etc)
Any comments or advice on this approach appreciated.
Not being a rtpproxy developer at all, I do not see a problem with the approach. Also note that rtpproxy is a single process application (or used to be in case last version changed), take that in consideration when designing.
Not sure whether to start a separate thread, but also there is the issue of what changes are necessary to Kamailio to support sending updated commands to rtpproxy. Would modifying Nathelper alone be sufficient?
Just updating the nathelper is sufficient in kamailio.
Another idea I was playing with in the past, but time was limited, was to enhance sems (sip express media server) to support communication via nathelper-rtpproxy protocol. sems is lightweight sip media server, supporting already transcoding. Not being a rtp/audio guy, my plan was to use an existing audio mixer.
Right now i use routing via a media server when needing transconding, so call flow is:
[caller] ---- [kamailio] ------ [media server: asterisk/freeswitch/sems] ----- [kamailio] ------ [caller]
rtpproxy is no longer used, since media servers support comedia extension. But a kamailio-mediaserver control protocol will reduce the signaling path.
Cheers, Daniel
Thanks and Regards, Vikram.
PS : I'm posting on Kamailio's mailing list because it seems that both Kamailio and rtpproxy developers closely follow this list.