On Thu, Dec 28, 2006 at 04:31:23PM +0100, tzieleniewski wrote:
On Thu, Dec 28, 2006 at 03:10:12PM +0100, tzieleniewski wrote:
worked but another problem apeared:) the script has created the ser database user and the database ser_0_9_7 for this user Ive changed the database connection urls to the following: fifo_db_url="mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser0_9_7" modparam("auth_db|uri_db|usrloc|domain", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser0_9_7")
or you still have in config connect to "ser" database, or you use old config. try to start with "-c /path/to/newser.cfg "
U mean "-f ..ser.cfg", so I did: I started ser with the following command: /home/ser/ser/ser-0.9.7/ser -f /home/ser/ser/ser-0.9.7/ser.cfg -P /home/ser/ser/ser-0.9.7/ser.pid -w /home/ser/ser/ser-0.9.7 2>/home/ser/traces/ser.trace.20061228 1>/home/ser/traces/ser.trace.20061228
where contents of ser.cfg are the following: ser@tomix:~/ser/ser-0.9.7$ pwd /home/ser/ser/ser-0.9.7 ser@tomix:~/ser/ser-0.9.7$ cat ser.cfg | grep mysql # $Id: bfwd+auth+mysql.cfg 2006-11-27 /Tomek Zieleniewski/emailAddress=tezet@touk.pl fifo_db_url="mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser0_9_7" loadmodule "/home/ser/src/ser-0.9.7-pre1/modules/mysql/mysql.so" modparam("auth_db|uri_db|usrloc|domain", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser0_9_7")
modparam("avpops", "avp_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser0_9_7")
1(0) ERROR: acc_db_init: unable to connect to the database
and what about accounting module ?
modparam("acc", "db_url", "mysql://user:password@localhost/ser")