I just applied it along with a new one for the readme and docbook files.
Don't forget to update the documentation located in doc/ subfolder of the module when you send a patch that adds a module parameter or function for config file. This time I did it.
Cheers, Daniel
On 5/10/13 10:26 AM, Victor V. Kustov wrote:
Hello, Daniel-Constantin!
I think yes, with documentation, it took some days.
ok, attach the patch as a file on the mailing list or bug tracker,
ready, attached
don't paste it inline because it is not easy to apply.
I think need documentation patch too.
what we get:
modparam("misc_radius", "common_response", 1) // default is 0
when common_response is 0 (default) load_caller_avps and load_callee_avps work as before: look SIP-AVP in response and parse result for avp's.
when common_response is 1 (set in config) load_caller_avps and load_callee_avps parse radius server response and all avpairs save in avp.
integer and string values are parsed, other - skipped. examples that i posted before are ok.
-- WBR, Victor JID: coyote@bks.tv JID: coyote@bryansktel.ru I use FREE operation system: 3.8.4-calculate GNU/Linux