Hi All.
I came across this posting
http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serusers/2004-August/010832.html where Bogdan
suggested sending REGISTER messages to multiple ser proxies using something
like this:
append_branch( dst1 );
append_branch( dst2 );
t_replicate( dst3 );
How would I best solve a problem where if I were to have say 10 ser proxies and
wanted to avoid changing the ser.cfg everytime I added/removed a new sip proxy
to the farm? I'm thinking it would be best to do this with a custom module
which would look up rows in a MySQL table. Each row would be the location of a
ser proxy which would be used in a call to append_branch(). This way I could
add new ser proxies to the farm without modifying ser.cfg on every machine and
in my ser.cfg file I could replace the above snippet with something like this:
Does anyone see pitfalls with this? Is there a better solution?
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