I used the SER for 2 years and not had this problem.
I was using OPENSER for 20 days without problems.
How can I fix this in Openser ?
[OpenSER-Users] invalid cseq for aor
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Tue Dec 4 09:09:53 UTC 2007
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Hi Gerson,
The error is generated when a re-REGISTER (same contact and callid) is
received but with invalid CSEQ number (equal or less than the previous).
Gerson Matiolli wrote:
Hi, All
I am with the OPENSER running some time without problems.
Yesterday, he went not to complete any call, and the system had the following message
ERROR:registry:update_contacts: invalid cseq for aor
ERROR:registry:update_contacts: invalid cseq for aor
ERROR:registry:update_contacts: invalid cseq for aor
for all numbers