On Monday 06 October 2008, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
don't that much about the dispatcher internals, but i think it also uses the CRC32 hash. In my tests with the carrierroute module that uses this too, requests over a random callid/ from user are distributed equally with about +/- 5% accuracy, which i think is ok. If you need to adjust the target host distribution, take a look at the hash_id functionality (carrierroute config file mode), here you can specify the exact destination. We use also the this approach of pre-calculating the hash value that Daniel described.
dispatcher is using an internal function, from hash_func.h. God to know you have tested with crc32, I might make it available as alternative hashing function for dispatcher.
Cheers, Daniel
Hi Daniel,
ah, good to know, thanks for the clarification.