Hi jimmy,
most probably, this error msgs are generated when a 183/2xx reply hits your on_reply route, reply which has no body. The last error msg is because the last function call in on_reply route returned error, so the whole route block returns error (to avoid this, you can put a break at the end of route - break returns always true ;-) and doesn't affect the logic). a network dump will help to spot the guilty reply.
jimmy huang wrote:
Hi list: I am trying nathelper with rtpproxy in bridge mode , (rtpproxy -l "") UA1----------------------SER+Nathelprt+rtpproxy+NAT----------------------UA2 / When UA1 call UA2 or UA2 call UA1 the call can be established, and the voice can successfully be relay to each UA but ser shows some error message , ERROR: extract_body: message body has lenght zero ERROR: force_rtp_proxy2: can't extract body from the message ERROR: on_reply processing failed is this correct ??