Den 30/06/2010 kl. 01.23 skrev Iñaki Baz Castillo:
2010/6/29 Ole Kaas
Hi Klaus,
I've mailed pcap dump to you directly for further inspection.
Hi, it's much better if you capture a trace with "ngrep -Wbyline -t -q port 5060" and paste it in a new mail by replacing your public IP's with other values. Then all the people here could help you rather than asking for private help to a specific member of the maillist.
You are right. But maybe it was something (obvious) that could be resolved quickly and I could post an update here on the list. The original log was inadequate - Klaus was a great help, with suggestions to obtain new log. So here it is attached and anonymized with all ip addresses (and stuff) converted to private adresses. The Kamailio server is multi homed and the two networks are non-routable (I use rtpproxy to bridge media). Our Asterisk PBX is version and the Asterisk Gateway is 1.6.1 (or 1.6.0 - cant remember and not under my control). Kamailio is version 3.0.0.
Looking at the trace, it seems the problem starts with the ACK not being received by the Asterisk Gateway which then resends the OK. The OK is relayed back to the originating Asterisk PBX which seems to ignore the retransmission. In fact it seems that Kamailio is routing and relaying the sip packets correctly. However, it seems that the problem only exists between Asterisk and Kamailio. I have other pbx'es (3CX) connecting to Kamailio and I have no evidence that the problem happens with those. I have another trace where the call comes from one of the Asterisk Gateways and is routed back to one of the other Asterisk Gateways. The result is the same - the OK's are ignored by Asterisk.