On 6/28/12 5:11 PM, Pawel Kuzak wrote:
we know about this and we will extend the p_usrloc Module in the near future. Do you consider this is a bug related to the p_usrloc (it's unusable at the moment) or as a feature enhancement? I've talked with Marius and he thought initially that this is an enhancement and that's why we haven't put any effort in this. On the other hand, if it's a bug and the module is not usable, we will give it higher priority and will fix this as soon as possible.
it is a bug IMO, it should not crash at least -- my idea is to just ignore GRUU/Outbound extensions if it requires lot of coding just for them, so eventually it will work like before. But if you can make a patch for it, should be applied asap to get it back working.
Cheers, Daniel
Kind Regards, Paul
we know about this bug and we are going to Am 28.06.2012 16:23, schrieb Daniel-Constantin Mierla:
still empty content for frame 0 in both backtraces, but I figure out the issue from the log messages.
p_usrloc module is exporting usrloc module API to be used by registrar module, but for 3.3.0, usrloc got new API members to handle SIP GRUU and Outbound extensions. They were not implemented for p_usrloc, so the crash is because accessing some functions which don't exists. That makes p_usrloc unusable with 3.3 branch by now. It will take a bit to do a fix for it, so if you need p_usrloc, you have to use 3.2.x at this moment.
Cheers, Daniel
On 6/28/12 3:15 PM, Dan-Cristian Bogos wrote:
Attaching requested files. This time I got two core files, analyzed them separately with gdb.
Regarding install sources, I did it via debian packages promoted on the website (kamailio33 squeeze).
Thanks, DanB