Hi all, im using the dialog module with db_cassandra backend.. I dont believe this issue is related to cassandra, but its worth mentioning anyways.
so... I run kamailio, make calls, see dialogs in the DB.. and I Can use "kamctl mi dlg_list" and see that dialogs go away when I hangup a call..
When I query the DB Backend, I still see the queries, but they have a state of 5. I Initially thought this was a bug, but it seems dialogs in state 5 get cleaned up after a period. so I moved on.
now , lets restart kamailio.. kamailio loads all dialogs on startup, after kamailio starts I call "kamctl mi dlg_list" again, and it shows all my dialogs from the DB. they DO show as "State 5" but for some reason, these dialogs appear to stick around for a long time, and the bigger issue it causes me is that my channel limiting ( using get_profile_size ) seems to consider these dialogs ( in state 5 ) as being active calls.
Please someone point me in the right direction... :)
what am I doing wrong ? ( or is this a bug somewhere )