* Jiri Kuthan jiri@iptel.org [070717 19:34]:
At 18:48 17/07/2007, Atle Samuelsen wrote:
But if a CANCEL is not forwarded to its target that is not nice (allthough the UAC would have to send a BYE anyway if it would receive a late 200 for this INVITE, and a non-200 reply would result in retrnasmissions - see above).
how likely it is that a phone being rung up is suddenly re-registered at a different location?
Ive seen this a few times infact. I've seen this happen when a useragent got a new IP due to the router infront of it was rebooting every 60 second.. The call was haveing some "hickups" as the customer called it.. every 1 min the call droped for 5 seconds.. then came up again..
That sounds very realistic, still in this case I think I would be fixing the rapidly changing IP address because that's the root problem. Established calls would not work very well with it either and certainly many other things break.
Offcource that would be the preferd way of doing it.. but it happens.. you asked how likeley it was to happen :) I've seen this more then once infact.. so it does happen :)
tough, over to fixing or not fixing it.. In most cases, the BYE will come true in anyways, due to that the user behind the changing ip will most likley also hanup at sometime, and since he has\nt recived a bye.. he will send one out :)
- AtlE