The dictionary the radiusclient library is using is probably malformed, please post the dictionary here, including changes you have made (radiuslient dictionary, not radius server if they are different).
On 30-05 22:56, varala ramakanth wrote:
hello friends,
i have installed free radius server-0.9.3 and radius client-0.3.2
and followed the ser howto
radtest is success full
and i updated dictionary of radius client with of in web available dictionary.ser ( of sip related attributies>
and i included statement of INCLUDE <path of dicionary.ser>
when i start radiusd -x its givens error as
Errors reading dictionary: dict_init: /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary[23]: Couldn't open dictionary " /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary.ser": No such file or directory Errors reading radiusd.conf
so i gone to "/usr/local/share/freeradius/" path and appended whole dictionary.ser contets into it and also kept link as INclude dictinary.ser
even though if i create packet "digest"
User-Name = "test", Digest-Response = "631d6d73147add2f9e437f59bbc3aeb7", Digest-Realm = "testrealm", Digest-Nonce = "1234abcd" , Digest-Method = "INVITE", Digest-URI = "", Digest-Algorithm = "MD5", Digest-User-Name = "test"
and run with
root@/usr/local/src# radclient -f digest localhost auth <shared_secret>
it s giveng error as
radclient:No token read where we expected an attribute name
i checked both in client and server dictionary attributes are present for the all that which are included in the pakcet.
if include only User-Name = "test",User-Password="test" in the digest packet
and check it s sucessfull so what may be the wrong sip method digest packet
please help me
with regards rama kanth
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