On May 24, 2024, at 7:02 AM, Alexis Fidalgo via
sr-users <sr-users(a)lists.kamailio.org> wrote:
Hello all, im not clear on the children setting, currently we’re listening in a single
UDP port, i do understand that children are how many forks per listener ip:port, but i
have this question, is this value tied on how many requests are received?
In our case every requests takes an average of 80ms to be processed (there are a few
external queries executed per request), so, example which value for children should i use
if i have 200req/s, 300, 400?
There’s a couple really good resources out there discussing high performance...
Alex Balashov’s article on High Performance Tuning:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla’s presentation on High Performance:
If your system is taking 80ms to process, I’d first try to benchmark and see where the
delays are and how that can be improved. Throwing more children may not help when the
delay is outside of kamailio or is kamailio in a waiting mode.
Fred Posner
p: +1 (352) 664-3733