Am Freitag, 18. Januar 2019, 22:37:05 CET schrieb Mark Thomas:
I’m currently and OpenSIPS user and I really want to be able to use their software on OpenWRT, but I have found it really hard to cross-compile. Is there a possibility to run Kamailio as a mid-registrar? For my application this is required, and I haven’t been able to find any information on this.
Hi Mark,
as Alex mentioned, you can implement this functionality in Kamailio as well. If you need more hints, just ask on sr-users with some more details.
Another option would be of course to port this module to Kamailio. There would be some changes necessary due to different module interfaces, but it shouldn't be that difficult for a developer. For development questions contact the sr- dev list.
The module could be even included in the Kamailio repository, if there is somebody that is willing to maintain it.
Best regards,