Klaus Darilion wrote:
Martin Hoffmann wrote:
Klaus Darilion wrote:
Maybe the select framework epxorts a timestamp which can be evaluated. Unfortunately I could not find a documentation of the the available selects.
I don't think so. You could try to use the Date header field, but this isn't mandatory and may be spoofed.
Other than that, using either lcr or, alternatively, mess with user_attrs or uri_attrs is probably the only way to do this. The latter doesn't need a reload or anything.
Or soon: use the sip-router core with the pseudo variables (pv) module from Kamailio, then you can compare with $time(): http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/pseudovariables:devel#broken-down_...
It still is somewhat non-elegant. With SER you can load attributes from an arbitrary ID. It's a bit hidden in the avp_db module. Maybe one can do this elegantly with database views already?
Regards, Martin