On Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2009, you wrote:
I'll go ahead and compose a sample configuration and attempt to
reproduce this error, I did a grep for the current count of AVP assignments I have currently setup, there are approximately 147 + some avp_db_query return / result sets. Do you think it'll be enough for me to just but a very very very basic script together and place this same amount of AVP assignments in the configuration? i.e.
$avp(s:test1) = 1; $avp(s:test2) = 1; $avp(s:test3) = 1; $avp(s:test4) = 1; $avp(s:test5) = 1; etc.... ?
another idea: what PKG_MEM pool size do you use for the server, only 1 MB? Perhaps can you try to increase this, to see if the error goes then away, just to see if its perhaps a real low memory condition, something caused from the cfg size or similar.
If i want to get a minimal cfg for reproducing a problem i usually start with the one that shows the error and then remove block by block until the error did not show up anymore. After a few iteration you usually end up with a fairly good result.