In general, the answer is the username in P-Asserted-Identity, i.e.
append_hf("P-Asserted-Identity: sip:010101010101@your_sip_domain.ext\r\n");
RFC 3325 aside, however, the proper thing to do here depends on how your PTSN gateway is configured.
Also, be aware that "010101010101" does not conform to any ITU-T or national numbering plans and is likely to be invalidated by most carriers.
ALAEDDINE abbech wrote:
Hi, I want to disply a number "010101010101" with use of RFC 3325 in openser. I read the RFC 3325 but i don't understand how do it. Where i put this number ? in diply name in P-Asserted-Identity, in username in P-Asserted-Identity ,in diply name in FROM or in username in FROM ?
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