Are AVP arrays still the only way to create a list of scalars as of K 3.0.0? Or are there other, more graceful ways to accommodate this need now?
AVPs are a very useful feature, though the syntax is not documented in 'avpops' or the cookbook except rather incidentally:
$var(i) = 0;
while(is_avp_set("$(avp(s:somename)[$var(i)])")) { xlog("L_INFO", "Value at index $var(i): $(avp(s:somename)][$var(i)])\n"); $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; }
Is there a better way to handle this now, perhaps via some features imported from SER? Script variables ($var(...)) do not support subscripts judging by the cookbook; do they? Are there other options I am unaware of?