Hi Jiri. Thanks for your answer. Let me ask one more question. In the link that you gave me, it said "set adequate memory reporting level in ser configuration file: memlog must be lower than debug (e.g., memlog=2, debug=3)" Is ok with memlog=2 and debug=3? Or i need to add more log level? This is a production machine with a high load.....
I will keep waiting for your comments. Thanks!! Ricardo Martinez.-
-----Mensaje original----- De: Jiri Kuthan [mailto:jiri@iptel.org] Enviado el: lunes, 07 de abril de 2008 19:12 Para: Ricardo Martinez CC: serusers@iptel.org Asunto: Re: [Serusers] Memory Problems
looks indeed like a memory leak somewhere. see http://www.iptel.org/ser/problem_reporting for procedures to spot the problem. (takes recompiling :-(
Ricardo Martinez wrote:
Hello. I'm getting weird memory problems with my SER distribution. I'm using a ser 0.9.7 with a Fedora Core release 6. I'm also using the LCR module to do some routing logics.
Since a few months i'm getting Memory errors, like these : Apr 5 22:00:50 ser[21996]: ERROR: build_req_buf_from_sip_req: out of memory Apr 5 22:00:50 ser[21996]: ERROR: forward_request: building failed Apr 5 22:00:58 ser[21996]: ERROR: build_req_buf_from_sip_req: out of memory Apr 5 22:00:58 ser[21996]: ERROR: print_uac_request: no pkg_mem Apr 5 22:00:58 ser[21996]: ERROR: t_forward_nonack: failure to add branches Apr 5 22:01:00 ser[22000]: ERROR: do_action: memory allocation failure Apr 5 22:01:00 ser[22000]: ERROR:avpops:pushto_avp: SET_XXXX_T action failed Apr 5 22:01:00 ser[22000]: ERROR: do_action: memory allocation failure Apr 5 22:01:00 ser[22000]: next_gw(): ERROR: do_action failed with return value <-2> Apr 5 22:01:10 ser[21996]: ERROR: do_action: memory allocation failure Apr 5 22:01:10 ser[21996]: next_gw(): ERROR: do_action failed with return value <-2> Apr 5 22:02:04 ser[22000]: ERROR: build_req_buf_from_sip_req: out of memory Apr 5 22:02:04 ser[22000]: ERROR: print_uac_request: no pkg_mem Apr 5 22:02:04 ser[22000]: ERROR: t_forward_nonack: failure to add branches Apr 5 22:02:04 ser[22000]: ERROR: w_t_relay (failure mode): forwarding failed Apr 5 22:07:23 ser[22000]: ERROR: build_res_buf_from_sip_res: out of mem Apr 5 22:07:23 ser[22000]: ERROR: relay_reply: no mem for outbound reply buffer Apr 5 22:07:23 ser[22000]: ERROR: build_res_buf_from_sip_req: out of memory ; needs 1105 It start to fail with a few calls to finally drop all calls with a total colapse of resources. I'm not sure where the problem could be located. Can someone help me here ? Among other things i do several AVP operations with the RURI to make some checks. Thanks Ricardo Martinez.-
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