ser has been designed for use as a proxy server, i.e. a device
which is ignorant of payloads. That's a feature, not a bug.
Adding a support to change SDP should be easy, though.
You would need to find the body (I think the SMS gateway
uses some function to distill the body -- Bogdan would give
you a hint) and modify it. actions in textops module are
best examples how to change message. 'replace' changes
parts of a message matching a regular expression,
append_hf appends a header field. Remember that when
you change SDP, you need to change Content-length too.
At 04:06 PM 1/10/2003, David.Rio(a) wrote:
I am using SER in a test environment as a proxy server.
I would like it to add additional fields in the SDP of an INVITE message for some
test needs. (e.g. add 'a=sendonly').
Is it possible ?
If not possible, do you think it would be difficult to add a function
addSdp(<string>) that would append a given string to the SDP of the
current message and alter the 'content_length' header field ?
I do not see in the 'sip_msg' structure any pointer to the body part of the
message ; only pointers to header fields.
Thanks for you help
David Rio
Alcatel CIT - Rennes
ASD France
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Jiri Kuthan