On Wednesday 02 June 2004 16:14, Tomas Björklund wrote:
What software do you use for making sure that your
sipserver(s) are online
and working?
I'm on the lookout for something that I can use with Nagios (ie anything
that I can run from a shellprompt).
I have tried sipsak but it's not working on solaris (some strange
bind/socket operations that breaks the program)
Please send me the exact error messages. I'll then try to fix it. But a few
weeks ago it worked for me on Solaris. Anyway, sent me any input that i can
try to fix it. I have no Solaris machine availbale.
I would like the same feature as sipsak has,
1. Register account
2. Call account
3. Check for invite
Doing an external call to a free number would also be nice, just wait for
the 200 OK and then cancel the call.
I'll not add any feature which establishes a dialog with another SIP UA,
because sipsak has no SIP stack and the results would be probably horrible.
But with sipsak you can first register a user and then sipsak tries to call
itself on this just before registered account. This should show if your
normal INVITE processing is still working (Note: sipsak does not support
record-routing yet).