Sorry ignore this. Turns out I had the following sequence of events:
- http_query - xlog my result - check $retcode
turns out the $retcode was for the xlog,
My bad.
On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 5:03 PM Andrew Chen wrote:
Hey all,
Question regarding the type of retcode.
I ran a curl command and $retcode returned 200. I check against that variable if it's 200 or not. I tried to check 200 as a string and integer but never matches so I ran these lines of code:
xlog("L_INFO", "[$ci][$mi][CSeq $cs] Validating meeting ($rU). Result:
$var(result) Return code: $retcode \n");
if(is_int($retcode)) { xlog("L_INFO", "[$ci][$mi][CSeq $cs] retcode is an
integer \n");
} if(typeof("$retcode", "str")) { xlog("L_INFO", "[$ci][$mi][CSeq $cs] retcode is a string
None of these xlog outputed.
How do I check for $retcode in if or switch statement?
-- Andy Chen Sr. Telephony Lead Engineer achen@