Just a warning, if you are talking about changing the value of the To or From header: this is strictly forbidden by RFC for several reasons. If you are going to implement such a module you can really break interoperability. I guess the displayname is not that important for interoperability, but i just wanted to warn you.
Regards NO
On Thursday 26 February 2004 23:50, Atle Samuelsen wrote:
It would be a COOL feature.. Ill look into That also. Im having a case where I may have about 250 users connected to a ser,, who whats a feture like that.
- Atle
- Arnd Vehling av@nethead.de [040226 23:41]:
Atle Samuelsen wrote:
When you call a cisco 7960 f.eks. you see a text string with the name of a user. .. Is it possible "hook" ser upto a database, witch contains the whole phonecatalog. then make ser lookup a number, then put it into the realname feeld ?
Sure. You have the source and the SQL-DB interfaces are already there.
You could write a function which makes the DB lookup and then use the a builtin function to alter the sip packet.
-- Arnd
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers