Thank you,
Trying right now...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Janak []
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 10:08 AM
To: İlker Aktuna (
Cc: Michal Matyska; serusers(a)
Subject: Re: [Serusers] problem with compiling the new CVS release
Get the code from the 2.0 branch:
cvs -d checkout -r rel_2_0_0 sip_router
İlker Aktuna (
Hi Michal,
Thank you for your reply.
I didn't understand what to do. Should I add the option to the command "cvs -d checkout sip_router" ?
I gues not, because it does not accept that parameter.
What should I do now ?
Should I download a stable version ? Where can I find a stable version with presence
support ?
In fact, I only need the new registrar module which includes "nat_flag"
But when I just add the new registrar module to my old sources, I can't compile it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michal Matyska []
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 10:01 PM
To: İlker Aktuna (
Cc: serusers(a)
Subject: Re: [Serusers] problem with compiling the new CVS release
Sorry for the inconvinience... checkout the CVS code before the DB API started to change
(e.g. add -D 20070328 option to the cvs co command).
Until all modules will be changed and using new API, it won't compile for a while.
On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 11:48 +0200, Jan Janak wrote:
I have been working on a new database abstraction layer for SER for a
while and I'll start commiting it in CVS now. Please excuse me if
something is broken temporarily, this is a major improvement that
touches all modules that use the database. This change does not
affect Ottendorf, of course. The new DB layer will appear in 2.1
The main objectives for doing major changes in the DB API are:
1) Better support for databases that are not based on SQL, like
Berkeley db, LDAP, and fas in-memory databases.
2) The new code will no more store fetch all data from the database
in one step, it will be possible to get the data row by row (common
problem in usrloc)
3) Support for queries over multiple databases with various strategies
(i.e. usrloc database can be partitioned).
4) Support for database failover (i.e. if the primary database fails
that SER can start using another one, which can be even of different
type, i.e. mysql->postgres)
I provide you with more details and documentation later once the
first version is in CVS.
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