Yes, it should work but it doesn't. I remember trying this long time ago (using openser 1.0 and chaining several openser proxies) and I hit the same issue: openser is not able to deal properly with multiple Proxy-Authorization headers.
Regards, Ovidiu Sas
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
El Friday 25 April 2008 03:18:08 Ash Rah escribió:
I passed the domain string as first parameter in proxy_authorize (also in REGISTER's www_authorize in a separate test) - but I still get Proxy Auth Failed.
Getting the same result, two copies of digest response are being sent from X-Lite. OpenSER (most likely) denying Auth based on the Digest issued for Asterisk.
Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="1274229212",realm="asterisk",nonce="1780f1c0",uri="sip:6099999999 999@sip.dummydomain",response="bb7a713ee1d85608390ec8adbcc6bda4",algorithm=M D5. Proxy-Authorization: Digest
username="1274229212",realm="sip.dummydomain",nonce="48114cd64a57df739fc9d6 131eb3057c3afc3eac",uri="sip:6099999999999@sip.dummydomain",response="89a293 207ff00c3bf2d3ec483aa0838d",algo rithm=MD5.
IMHO that should work. If I remember correctly, I set that scenario some time ago (dobe authentication OpenSer - Asterisk), but I can't confirm it now :(
-- Iñaki Baz Castillo
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