Hi Ovidiu
Think I've cracked it. Thanks for your help!
Now to see if I can find a way to set the status when a phone subscribes. At the moment it only updates when a new call is made.
On 29 Nov 2012, at 19:57, Ovidiu Sas wrote:
You need to load pua_dialoginfo and configure the server accordingly: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules_k/pua_dialoginfo.html
Take a look at the overview section to have an idea about notifications are triggered: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules_k/presence_dialoginfo.html#id...
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Mark Boyce mark@darkorigins.com wrote:
Hi Ovidiu
I see the following;
Phone registers
Phone subscribes / Kamailio sends 200 OK
PBX immediately responds with a Notify / Phone sends 200 OK
If I now make a call on the phone which is being watched by the subscription Kamailio doesn't generate any notify.
Is there something I need to drop in the INVITE logic to trigger the notify?
At the moment I'm loading presence.so and presence_dialoginfo.so modules with a config which is pretty much the same as the shipped sample config.
Mark Boyce
On 29 Nov 2012, at 19:09, Ovidiu Sas wrote:
Do you see a subscription from the phone? A SUBSCRIBE message being sent when the phone registers?
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Mark Boyce mark@darkorigins.com wrote:
Hi All
I'm slowly working out what goes where with this. So far I have;
The Linksys / Cisco SCA / Shared Call Appearance requires Andrews SCA module
not the standard presence ones. This is the feature on the phone which was
generating the call-info events.
With SCA turned off on the phones and Server Type set to RFC3265_4235 the
phones are generating normal subscribe requests.
Kamailio is logging the invites in the active_watchers table fine.
The problem seems to be that nothing in the system actually generates the
notify back to the phones when a call is made.
From the docs it looks like presence_dialoginfo should be doing this but
What have I missed?
Mark Boyce
On 27 Nov 2012, at 19:44, Andrew Mortensen wrote:
I recently added an SCA module to the project. If you're willing to try the
master branch, I'd appreciate hearing how things work for you.
Here are instructions for building from the git repository:
Add "sca" to the include_modules value in the make command, e.g.:
make FLAVOUR=kamailio include_modules="db_mysql sca"
Take a look at the documentation here (it's not up on kamailio.org yet):
Scroll down past the list of files to find the formatted README text.
On Nov 27, 2012, at 12:32 PM, Mark Boyce mark@darkorigins.com wrote:
Hi All,
I've been trying to get some Cisco/Linksys SPA phones working with Kamailio
(current stable). All seems to be ok apart from getting Presence/BLF/SCA
The phones are set to
Server_Type : RFC3265_4235
Line Key 2 Extension : Disabled
Line Key 2 Share Call Appearance : Private
Line Key 2 Extended Function :
Where 1001 is the other phone.
The phone appears to be sending event type 'call-info' rather than dialog
Phone is being sent '489 Bad Event' and the error in the logs is : presence
[subscribe.c:1007]: Unsupported event header field value call-info
Whatever I set the Server Type to on the phones it still tries to send
call-info events on subscribes
Has anyone got Presence working with Cisco SPA handset?
The module needed seems to be available on OpenSIPs
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users