Hi Ovidiu,
Good points. We're not running out of memory, and all processes keep running. Top shows 0% or 1% CPU load for the Kamailio processes.
We cross-compile with the CodeSourcery toolchain. The default build options drag in the file atomic_unknown.h, that produces the following compile warning:
"no native memory barrier implementations, falling back to slow lock based workarround"
Currently we're testing a version compiled with -DNOSMP (no atomic_unknown.h) that will run over the weekend.
Regards, Michiel Veldkamp
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Ovidiu Sas osas@voipembedded.com wrote:
Hello Michiel ,
You should check with top to see the status of all kamailio processes. If you see processes that are using 100% CPU, you may have a deadlock. Connect with gdb to the process to investigate what's going on.
Also, you are running on arm. How did you compiled kamailio: native or cross. When you run kamailio on an embedded system, you need to check if you have enough memory. If you start running out of memory, the OS may start killing processes randomly (check your OS logs).
You definitely need to look at this issue from a broader prospective as it's not a regular x86 deployment with plenty of CPU and memory. Also tuning the config (by removing everything that you don't need might help with memory utilization).
Regards, Ovidiu Sas
-- VoIP Embedded, Inc. http://www.voipembedded.com