On 25.11.2009 5:40 Uhr, JR Richardson wrote:
Hi All,
Using openser 1.1.0-notls (i386/linux) from debian etch package.
Working with mysql database integration, working fine, using
permissions module with 'trusted' table and alias_db module with the
'dbalias' table.
I created the database and tables with openser_mysql cmd and things
seemed to work out of the box. I ran into trouble when I dropped the
database and manually created just the 'trusted' and 'dbalias' tables
and added a few more columns in the tables [accountcode,notes,id(auto
increment)]. When I restarted openser, no go, was getting table
version and structure errors.
So my question: is the table structure strict as per the openser_mysql
script and are all 19 tables required for a properly running instance?
I have not tried yet, but would it break if I added the new columns to
the openser_mysql script created tables?
first, 1.1.0 is very old, better use a more recent version, kamailio
1.5.3 for example.
Then, adding custom columns in the db tables does not affect kamailio.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla