check your apache logs. If there are any error messages, like that the
server cannot find serweb images, you will have to put img subdirectory
of serweb somewhere where it will be reachable. Check in the logs where
it tries to find the images and put them there.
On 03-09 10:23, Gavin Bensom wrote:
There was a similar post on Aug 13th. I'm having
the same problem [
http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serusers/2003-August/002259.html] and
I've already tried the suggested solutions.
Basically, on the user login or the admin login of serweb, when I type a username and
password and press login or <enter> the page blanks, reloads to the login page, and
does nothing. I get no errors of any kind.
I have register_globals=On in php.ini.
I'm relatively sure my php.ini is in the correct place [i.e. is being used by the
How would I check this?
My subscriber table in mysql has the correct domain in the domain column for all my
users, including admin. I believe that I've made all the changes in Dan Austins HOWTO
for serweb/php configuration.
RedHat 9.0
kernel 2.4.20-20smp
ser 0.8.11 (i386/linux)
main.c, v
PHP 4.3.1
Apache 2.0.40
Any ideas?
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