i'm happy to announce that the 'devel.openser.org' server, sponsored from my company 1&1 Internet AG, is now available.
This machine hosts services for developers, but some of them are probably also useful for users:
1. Daily creation of debian builds (etch i386 and amd64) of the trunk for easily testing.
2. A read only svn mirror of the complete repository for better subversion performance especially outside the USA.
3. The build and testing framework "buildbot" for continous monitoring of the status from trunk and branches.
4. Doxygen code documentation with graph generation for better understanding of the code and module dependencies.
You'll find at http://devel.openser.org/ the indivdual addresses of the services. This page will probably be moved to www.openser.org after the migration of these server.
Best regards,
Henning Westerholt