Hello Daniel,
Thanks for your answer.
My project leader didn't let me time to debug more deeply the problem, i had to change my way :/ and had to use SER. So i erased the dump cores and all the debugs, and I don't have any platforms to reproduce the problems. I worked on the hardware, and found this nice note last week : http://www.mail-archive.com/yoper-dev@lists.yoper.com/msg00492.html I installed a Debian based on this doc, then a SER in version 2.0, who works perfectly now - with RTPProxy and Radius. I suppose that OpenSER could work perfectly too, and that the problem directly came from the hardware.
Many thanks to have a look to my problem, and sorry for the time I took to you.
Samuel MULLER http://www.720.fr
On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com wrote:
On 06/27/08 12:02, Samuel Muller wrote:
Hello all,
This e-mail to find some help, i'm desperate.
I've many stability problems, when using RTP Proxy + OpenSER. Maybe it's hardware, maybe ... I really don't know.
-> Infos :
Server : Dell PowerEdge dual Xeon, 2 GB RAM, PERC 6i RAID card.
OS: i tried all these one : . ubuntu gutsy . ubuntu hardy . debian etch . debian lenny (actually running) the problems are the same on each distro. it's AMD64 architecture-based : Linux 2.6.18-6-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Jun 6 05:24:08 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I need mySQL, NAT, and Radius support (Radiator used). I compilated as indicated, to enable in the acc module the support of Radius. I used the libradius (radiusclient-ng 0.5.6), and tried too with the libradius-ng2.
sources : http://www.openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/install:make-debian-packages
http://www.openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/install:backport-debian-source-pack... and some related websites like voip-info.org http://voip-info.org/, ...
then, i tried these pairs : RTP Proxy 1.02 + OpenSER 1.3.1 : crash RTP Proxy 1.02 + OpenSER 1.3.2 : crash (actually running) RTP Proxy 1.1 + OpenSER 1.3.1 : crash RTP Proxy 1.1 + OpenSER 1.3.2 : crash
But, at each first running, all works fine : NAThelper, Radius, mySQL. Registrations are ok, accounting tickets and mySQL requests too, calls are fine, ...
And when i changed one line of config, for example, an AVP value, it crashes at restart or just at the start, for different reasons each time. The processes become ghosts, or never restart, etc... See all the debug files in attached files - in this case, it's the NAThelper who crashed - but sometimes it works really fine ... even if i don't touch any configuration.
If you need more infos, or another kind of crash, no pbm ...
the log from the zip says one openser terminates and then the parent gets a sigchild. Do you get core dumps? Any backtrace? All happens at startup for this case.
Cheers, Daniel
Many thanks to all for any suggestions, this situation makes me crazy.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla http://www.asipto.com