On 10/10/2010 01:46 PM, "Nicolas RĂ¼ger" wrote:
HOW can I configure "userblacklist" module to accept the matching of characters as well???
It seems that userblacklist module doesn't support non-numberic values. (The only way to match via dtrie is 10, which is numerical only). You can use carrierroute instead (a bit of overhead), but carrierroute has blacklist capabilities and can support alfa-num matching (http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/carrierroute.html#id2863179)
I will have a look on how hard is to extend dtrie to support alfa-num matching and get back with a reply on the list
I'm trying to use the "userblacklist" module with characters instead of numbers, so that I can even blacklist SIP-URIs like "user01@test.com".
Unfortunately the "userblacklist" module or more specific "dtrie.c" returns the following error when I pass such a username:
ERROR:<core> [dtrie.c:128]: cannot insert non-numerical character
I checked in "dtrie.c" and found the following comment:
"Its optimized towards the usecase of a matching tree that contains only digits, e.g.for LCR or blacklist modules. Nevertheless it also supports the matching of characters when configured correctly"
So my question is:
HOW can I configure "userblacklist" module to accept the matching of characters as well???
Thank you...